Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Archer's 2nd Birthday!

Well I finally sat down to upload the pics from the party! It turned out so cute, of course the theme was tractors! I think all the kids loved getting to see the big tractors up close, but the hit was the little train! Soo cute! Can't believe he's 2, but let me say the child defin. acts like it! :)
Only present he opened at the party! HA HA. Never enough time!

Playing hard! (forgot he and ben did open their Thomas boots!)

Best Buddies!


Can't believe I captured this! We were on the way home from
the party, when I looked back at this! ASLEEP with sucker in hand
and SMILING! You think he had fun?  PRICELESS!

Had to throw these in. Joseph Beidleman came to play the
other day! Look at how silly these boys are, Leah and I
are in for it, don't you think!
Of course: Joseph and Archer fighting over a toy! They both look like their
making a great argument! :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010


We've been trying to do anything we can to stay cool! As you can see it ranges from being naked in the waterhose to swimming in the lake on the 4th!

We also managed to celebrate Ellen's birthday on the 3rd.

This past weekend the boys and I went to Memphis to visit El-Den (aka Ellen) we went
to the children's museum on Friday and the zoo Sat. Let me just say the museum is FABULOUS!
if your ever in town I highly recommend! The zoo was great too, but very HOT! We had a GREAT time and were all exhausted!

Like I said the museum had everything a little boy could love, isn't the grocery store hysterical!

Poor Archer this what he looked like on the way home :) Way too much fun!
Their favorite things were the snakes (of course) and the alligators! They are a mess and Ellen and I laughed at them most of the time! P.S. The reason their halfway naked in the picture with ellen is bc they had an awesome water feature at the bear exhibit, they got a little wet, it def helped keep cool! (and we saved it for last)